Saturday, September 10, 2011

Pre-season tasks

I've been working through the pre-season tasks - I only have four days to complete them all and last nights one was slightly awful. It was the dreaded weigh and measure (and photo taking*, but I haven't done that part yet)).

The weigh in was not great. See we've had these scales for years - they're the old dial ones - and I was sure they were out - they were hard to read too, making it easier to lie to myself about my actual weight.

Last night, while shopping for stationery to keep my meal plans, recopies and food diary/planner I ended up buying some new digital scales.

I braved standing on them and I was eight kilo's heavier than what my old dial-up scales say.

I can't lie to myself anymore - this is the BIGGEST I have ever been. It's not good. No wonder I'm exhausted all the time.

It's time to change.

(*photo taking will be a post of it own. ugh. this might be worse then the actual scales).

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