Wednesday, April 27, 2005


I went to the gym tonight - did my usual Wed Pump class, but honestly couldn't handle it. My legs were shaking after the squat track, and by the time I got to lunges - it was pretty much over. So I snuck out, and called the Pandyr to come get me. Not sure if its a side effect from the virus - or if I didn't eat quite right today.

While I was there, I did jump on the scales - because I am so addicted to weighing myself, and its ridiculous - and it turns out that I'd lost two kilos. It's probably a little more than that - I had shoes on, and I haven't been eating well over the last couple of days. I probably won't keep all of it off though as my body returns to normal - but fingers crossed - I might :)

So I'm not going hard this week - I'm going to take it easy, keep the weights light, and the cardio easy-ish. Maybe catch a balance class.... yeah, that sounds good.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ooops, that was me.