Friday, February 04, 2005

Feckin Scales.

Every Friday I approach them.

Left foot on. Right foot on. Numbers flashing... up up up up up up up... I wonder if its going to stop before the weight I was last week... or even worse... is it going to go over?

Every Friday I stay the same. I guess thats better than gaining, but its still frustrating. I take my measurements when I get home.

Do you think its possible that your ass can come back - instead of having a merged thigh/ass? Because while my measurements slowly drop from all over - the top of the thigh/under the ass measurement seems to be totally kickin the rest of my body's um ass.

I guess I'll find out for sure. Les Mills challenge intro day is next week. I'm determined to get it into gear. I may be the fattest chick in the class, I might have to take some moves low impact. But I'm there. Sweating. Breathing hard. Burning fat. And I'm not quitting.

Kilos lost: 1.8 CM's lost: N/a Gym Classes this week: 1

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